You may love animals, but with the exception of your family pets, you don’t want them in your home. Here are some tips for keeping the wildlife around your property where it belongs: outside.

  • Don’t place bird feeders too close to your windows. Doing so may cause birds to associate a window with food and therefore try to peck their way inside.

  • Make sure window screens are secure. If you can push a screen loose with your hand, so can a bird or other animal.

  • Check screens on dryer vents and chimneys. If they are damaged, fix or replace them.

  • To determine how animals are entering your home, stuff wadded paper in the suspected entry point. If the paper is disturbed the next day, you’ll know where they got in.

  • Never leave food outside, unattended. After a barbeque, for example, take all remaining food inside.

If you do find an animal in your home, never try to pick it up. It may bite or have rabies. Instead, call a professional.


Do you know what is behind your walls?

Rather than wait for a household emergency, take time to understand the inner workings of your home’s utility infrastructure.

Start by ensuring the whole family knows the location of your main water shut-off valve, so quick action can be taken to minimize damage in the event of a major leak. From there, you can trace the path of your water supply pipes to each faucet.

Next, locate your main electrical panel. It should have all room lighting and appliance circuits labelled. If it doesn’t, you should have it done, in order to avoid difficulty in identifying a circuit should one fail, overload or need to be disconnected.

After the power, consider your heating and air conditioning. If they are delivered via forced air, then ducts are easily traced from the source unit to the supply grills. Generally speaking, most electrical wiring is threaded through and along wall studs and support beams, terminating at wall outlets, ceiling fixtures and major appliances, whereas plumbing, heating and AC tends to be channeled between structural framework.



More fires start in the kitchen than in any other room. Those fires can be expensive; since even a minor incident, with no injuries, can result in significant damage. That’s why it’s important to keep up with the latest in fire prevention.

The most recent research tells us:

  • Never leave cooking food unattended. Doing so is the number one cause of kitchen fires.

  • Make sure cooking appliances, especially deep fryers, are safety certified by the appropriate government agency.

  • When using oil in a frying pan, always heat slowly at no more than a medium heat setting.

  • Always turn off stove burners and other cooking appliances immediately after cooking.

  • Never attempt to put out a grease fire with water. Use baking soda or a fire extinguisher.

  • Never remove or cover up a smoke detector due to nuisance alarms. The one alarm that isn’t a nuisance may save your life.

Finally, experts say that if you can’t put out a fire immediately, get everyone out of the home and call emergency services.


How to stop moisture damage in your bathroom

Damp bathrooms can cause mould and mildew to grow, which can trigger severe allergies. Fortunately, you can control the dampness by following a few simple steps.

First, to protect your bathroom from accumulating condensation, make sure you have an effective exhaust fan that is wired independently of any light switches. Modern units are actually able to detect moisture in the air, and can be programmed to automatically remove it.

Another way to control dampness is to ensure your toilet tanks don’t run after flushing and have insulated linings to prevent sweating. You can also install insulating wrap
on supply pipes.

Follow a simple routine of wiping down surfaces (including shower walls) after use as this can be an effective way to prevent saturating the air with moisture.

Finally, when renovating, be sure to use water- resistant insulation and wallboard. 



You’ve no doubt noticed the occasional news report about a product being recalled for safety reasons. For example, a car model with a brake problem, or a children’s toy that, under some circumstances, may cause injury.

You may not know that these news reports are merely the tip of the iceberg. For each product recall you hear about in the media, there are dozens that get little, if any, publicity.

That means there may be products in your home that have been recalled — and you don’t even know about it. It’s a scary thought.

How do you find out about recalled products that may affect you? Here are two tips.

  1. Always complete the registration that comes with many products. This is typically done by mailing in a registration card or filling out an online form. When you register, you’ll be alerted by the manufacturer if the product is recalled for any reason.

  2. Both Canada and the United States have agencies that list recalled products on their websites. In Canada it’s the Healthy Canadians website at In the United States it’s the Consumer Product Safety Commission at It’s a good habit to check these sites every season.

If you discover that a product in your home has been recalled, contact the manufacturer immediately. Never assume that the reason for the recall won’t apply to you.



When you put your home up for sale, you want it to look its best to potential buyers. That’s why you clean, tidy and de-clutter every room.

Some sellers, however, miss the backyard. You need to pay just as much attention to that space as you do to the interior of your home. The backyard is as important a living space as the family room. To some buyers, even more.

Buyers want to see an attractive backyard space, with the grass cut and the hedges trimmed. The more neat and tidy you can make it, the better. Be sure to sweep walkways and wipe down patio furniture.

Also, watch out for the following things that buyers do not want to see:

  • Bags of garage and other waste.

  • Doggie do-do. (Be sure to stoop and scoop!)

  • Rakes and other tools piled in the corner.

  • Cluttered and disorganized storage sheds, pool huts and other backyard structures.

  • Weeds in the flower beds.

  • Items stored underneath the deck.

  • Hoses not stowed neatly.

  • Electrical outlets and water faucets that don’t work.

These are not difficult issues to fix. Doing so will positively impact the impression the buyer gets of your backyard.

Do you have a backyard that shows particularly well in the summer? Here’s a tip: Take pictures. Those photos will help buyers be able to appreciate how it looks should you list your home in the winter.

Want more tips on making your home show well so that it sells fast? Call today.



When you make an offer on a home, it’s a smart idea to have a professional home inspector check it out from top to bottom. This inspection will ensure that the property doesn’t have any unexpected “issues”. After all, you don’t want to buy a home only to discover that the roof needs to be replaced, immediately, for thousands of dollars.

That being said, you might question whether you really need to invest the few hundred dollars it costs for a professional home inspection. “The home we want to buy looks like it’s in very good shape,” you might be thinking. “I can’t see anything wrong with it.”

However, a professional home inspector can see things you can’t. When you view a property that’s on the market, you might be able to notice obvious issues, like a crack in the foundation or a dripping faucet. If you’re experienced with home maintenance, you might even notice roofing tiles that look like they’re overdue for replacement.

But you won’t pick up all the issues a home inspector can.

A home inspector will, for example, use a special device to check for moisture build-up in the washrooms – which can be an indication of mould. He or she will also inspect wiring to make sure everything is safe and compliant with the building code.

That’s not all.

Like a determined detective, a home inspector will investigate the property’s structure, electrical and plumbing systems, insulation, and other components — and then report the findings to you.

In the end, a professional home inspection gives you peace-of-mind and protects your investment. So getting one is highly recommended — even for recently built homes.

A good REALTOR® can recommend a trusted home inspector for you.



If you see a haze of condensation on your window, should you be concerned? Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on a number of factors.

First of all, an occasional build-up of condensation is normal and often the result of fluctuating humidity in the home. Usually, it’s nothing to worry about. If you’re using a humidifier, try adjusting the levels. If the humidity is being generated naturally, try placing a dehumidifier nearby. Also, remove any plants and firewood from the area, as they can release a surprising volume of moisture into the air.

Do you see moisture in between the panes of glass that make up the window? If so, that means the seal has failed and moisture has crept in. Double and triple pane windows often contain a gas (argon, for example) that boosts the insulating qualities of the window. When the seal fails, the gas disappears, making the glass colder and often allowing condensation to creep in. Eventually, you’ll want to get it replaced.

If you see moisture build-up anywhere on the frame of the window, particularly at the joints, that could be a sign of water leaking through. That’s an issue you should get checked out immediately by a window contractor.



When would you talk to a car salesperson? Probably only once you’re ready to buy a new car. You would do some initial research (perhaps on the internet), get an idea of what you want, and then go to the dealership to meet a salesperson, test drive the car and make the purchase.

Although that approach may work when you’re buying a car, it’s not the best approach when it comes to real estate.

You see, successfully buying or selling a home requires a lot of planning and legwork. You want the process to go smoothly, the right decisions to be made, and the best possible deal to be negotiated.

After all, this is the purchase and/or sale of your home!

So, the best time to talk to a REALTOR® is as early in the process as possible.

In fact, even if you’re just thinking of buying or selling — and simply want to explore the possibility of making a move sometime this year — you should have a conversation with a good REALTOR®.

A REALTOR® will answer your questions, provide you with the information and insights you need, help you avoid costly mistakes, and make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

When you are ready to buy or sell, having worked with a REALTOR® early in the process will help ensure you get what you want.

So talk to a good REALTOR® when:

  • You have a question about the local market.

  • You want to know what your home might sell for today.

  • You’re interested in checking out homes currently available on the market.

  • You’re in the midst of deciding whether or not to make a move.

  • You’ve decided to buy or sell.



Say you’re viewing a home and are impressed with how it looks. The walls are freshly painted. Everything seems bright and new. You’re considering making an offer.
Then, while standing on a mat in the kitchen, you hear a squeak below your feet. You lift the mat and see that some tiles are broken. Obviously the mat was there to, literally, cover up that defect.
A few broken tiles are not a big deal. But now you’re thinking, “What else might be wrong with this house?”
There’s no reason to worry that every home will have maintenance issues hidden from view. However, it’s smart to do your due diligence to ensure the home you’re considering is truly as good as it looks.
One way is to have a professional home inspector check out the property as a condition of your purchase offer. He or she will inspect the home from top to bottom, inside and out, and point out any issues you should address.
It’s also smart to ask questions. Find out the age of certain features, such as the roof, furnace and appliances. Ask about any recent renovations and determine whether they were done by a professional or by the homeowner.
Most importantly, work with a good REALTOR® who can provide you with information on the property that you would have difficulty obtaining on your own. Your REALTOR® has a stake in making sure you buy a home with your eyes wide open — knowing all the potential maintenance issues you’re likely to encounter.



There are many reasons why the air quality in your home may not be at its best. A faulty furnace or an old carpet are just two potential culprits. Until you get those issues addressed, how do you make your indoor air healthier — today?

Here are some ideas:

  • Check the furnace filter. This is one of the most overlooked maintenance items in the home. Any furnace repair person can tell you stories about filters they’ve seen caked in dust. Make sure those aren’t yours. Air passes through those filters before circulating throughout your home. Replacing a filter takes less than five minutes.

  • Clean the drains. Drains are a surprisingly common source of bad odour in the home. Most people only clean them when they’re clogged, but they should be flushed thoroughly with a good-quality cleaner at least once a season.

  • Turn on the bathroom fan. Not only do bathroom fans remove odour, they also reduce moisture build-up. About 50% of air pollutants originate from some type of moisture; mould being the worst. Professionals recommend you keep the bathroom fan on for at least 30 minutes after a shower.

  • Clean your doormat. Even if your doormat doesn’t smell, it can be a source of air pollutants. When people wipe their shoes, they transfer pesticides and other outside ground pollutants from their shoes to your mat.

Of course, you can always open a window. That’s the most popular way to freshen the air, and it works.

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